Wednesday, 28 September 2011

More Poetry

It seems that the poems are becoming popular! This one is from Nenehfer
Let me know what you guys think


You're a little pebble, I stumble upon.
You're a little pebble, that's what you've become.
And I'll take the shot,
I love you so much,
I send them others with arrogance.

They don't 'feel' you,
I guess, I don't care.
A dream of mine came through,
They only glare.
It's my life,
you're my joy
and you've got great poise.
You're mine,
my dream boy,
and you give me 'voice.

But then life isn't fair.
You leave me and there.
The other girls love you,
Perhaps their dreams too,
have come through..

Tears fall from my eye,
it's time to go home,
and as I 'm alone,
my phone beeps.
Your name on the screen,
my heart leaps.
You wrote...

"My darling, my song..
My love, what's wrong?
Thought you needed my help?
With math and everything else?
But you left.
I was about to give you my notes,
and you just took off, you dope!!

Are you crazy?
Why in the heck did you leave me?
These girls are just loud,
believe me..
Anyway, I forgive you..
Cause I can't stay one minute
mad at you..

And by the way, I hope it's okay.
I reorganized your locker.
But you didn't check it, oh mother!
I crammed it up with my hot pictures,
well, at least as many as your head can endure.
I'll fix it now, the broken lock.
Bye, wish me luck!"


I want to post a few things about South Africa.... But Im stuck on weather I should do it or not. please let me know what you guys think?
I will put a poll up. vote ASAP. its only going to be up for 2 days.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


So I have been told that I have nice eyes and as I'm sure you all know the saying that the eyes are the window to the soul...So here is a tip for those of you who are as nosy as I am...You can see when a person lies just by looking at their eyes!This is how it works :- Ask someone a question... If they look to the top right corner of their eye its most likely the truth.... If they look down then the chances that their lieing is very high!                                                 
Awesom right? Test it and let me know!                                                        

I'm going to post another poem for you guys, this one doesnt realy mean anything. I watched a movie that inspired me to write it. So here goes....

Am I evil?
I look into your eyes
See the pain,
feed your pain...

'coz if your in pain,
you cant hurt me.
Am I evil?

I see the tears.
See them running down your face,
wanna hit me again?
Am I evil?

I see the blood,
running down your arms.
I smiled when I cut your hands off
Am I evil?

Maybe I am evil...
But then again,
so are you...

By: Me( duh)

And now one from a reader....

sadness jumps off of
the rooftops of London,
because she has no wings to fly.
She gave them up,
to a heart that she loved
and the last thing he said was goodbye.

By: Jake

Feel free to coment and I will post your poems so just ask!

With love

Monday, 26 September 2011

friend issues

hi Este

My friends dont tret me the way they should,
its almost like I dont "belong" Im just there when they need me for something
and Im scared that if I talk to them about it that they will kick me out.

Please help


Dear reader

You have to remember that a friendship works two ways. You need to be a friend before you can have one. spend time and talk to them, get to know them and interact. Dont wait for them to get to know you

And if you do but they still dont act like proper friends then I say dump them! There is alwais someone that will take you in. you just need to reach out to them

hope it helps...

Sunday, 25 September 2011


A broken heart

A broken heart and torn up letters,
tears and heartach tell her story.
Close that door and never look inside.
She will never be te same.

Time will tell if her wounds will heal,
she cant stay like this forever.
One day, someday...
Any day, just not today...

You cant love if you dont risk it all,
until you slip and fall.
Break your heart,
and get trapled on.

Like a rose that withered,
a heart that shattered.
One day, someday...
Any day, just not today...

Written by: Me

I will post poems of friends and other people too. This was written for my friend who kept getting hurt, she got a new boyfriend who treats her like shit and cheats on her. and she always says that one day she will snap and leave him... Just not today

If there is someone treating you like this, then saying sorry and asking for you back ... Dont do it! Ask a friend what they think and get someone to help you leave! Most of these relationships end in abuse. I know its easer to say than to do but trust me! Its for the best...

On the lighter side...
I am a blond... and I get made fun of all the time! I have blond DAYS not just blonde moments! Soooo... here is  blond joke!
What does Star Trek's dr. Bones McCoy say before he performs brain surgery on a blond?

Space, the final frontier.....