So this month is almost over and its weekend. To be honest I've sort of been dreading this weekend, you see... It all started 3 years ago when I met this one girl. Megz. She was so funny, random and awesome! We instantly became best friends, then something really horrible happened to me...
-I will tell all of you about it another day... I havnt built up the courage to tell someone verry close to me yet and once I do Ill tell all of you.-
So anyway something happened. And I trusted my friend so much that she was the first one to know. I asked for her help, she gave me advise and I took it. the next weekend I went to her house and out of the blue, her mother asked about it... I wasn't very happy that she told her mom but I was relieved that I could talk about it to an adult. So we spoke and she tried to help. But not even a week after that, a boy who lived close to me came to me and asked if it were true. I denied it of course. Knowing that Megz was the only one I told I was immediately angry! I approached her about it, she denied telling anyone other than her mother and I guess I wanted to believe her so I did. It wasn't very long that I started hearing it from a lot of people! Thankfully it all faded and I was left in pieces to heal, with out a friend to help and support me because obliviously she wasn't worth a friends ass.
So that was the beginning of the end of our friendship.
Things between us started getting better and our friendship started healing. Needless to say I haven't told her any secrets.
And then...

So now here I am. this is the End of our friendship. She is coming over this weekend and I'm going to put it in plain simple English for her. My true inner Bitch will come out! With friends like that who needs enemies? Id rather tell her to Fuck off and go fuck another guy and tell the world whatever she wishes. Just a few more months and I'm out of this place and ill never have to look at her Pathetic face again!
So I've learnt my lesson.
A friend hears the song of your heart and sings it when memory fades.
She doesn't sing her own song even louder.
A true friend never gets in your way, unless you happen to be going down
She doesn't push you down to pull herself up
A friend believes in you even when you don't believe in yourself
She doesn't hope for you to fail
Always be careful who you trust. some people aren't who they say
And If you have a true friend who is there in the light and the dark, who is always the perfect shoulder to cry on and who will give her last breath to save you... Then your a lucky Bitch!
I wrote this poem last week.
Its not about what happened to me, just a random poem. Hope all of you like it.
A sweet breeze blows
My thoughts collapse
And the world knows
I rise to all my mistakes
Fall for the smallest bump
I wish I could shout it all out
Get out of this dump
That is my life
Sometimes I see a light
But it always ends up being a car’s light beam
Shining in my face so bright
Trying to drive over me
Wish I could just run away
But I’ve got to face the world
And hope one day
They can all see
The little girl behind the tree
That saw things
That she can never unsee
The one who could stop
All that has come to be
From that one mistake
And now she’s on one knee
Begging the lord
To go back to that tree
And unsee
What has come to be
Her only plea...

Yeah you don't need kak "friends" like that hey...