Thursday, 8 December 2011



Me and my silly Little sister had yet another fight... I dont usualy blog about it... But here goes!
Ever had someone in your life that just has a way to get under your skin? They do the exact things you hate, just because they know it irritates you!? Ag... Those people suck!

Stupid Buterflies

That butterfly feeling...
Not the normal one....
Those angry mutated buterflies,
With that thurst for revenge.

They consume all rational thoughts...
One thing...
Even the tiniest
sets off an atom bomb in your mind!

then your mouth starts
yelling and cursing...
They react and you keep going
the bomb settles after one thing said too much

And no one is happy.
Those butterflies hide...
Seek shelter
and wait...

Somehow writing a poem calms me... I hope one day I can hire an exterminator for my mutant butterflies

I am A big fan of this saying...

Because, you know what! We are young! You only live once! Who gives a fuck what others think and who cares if its dangerous, wrong or even too good to be true! Just do it! Why not? If you fall and get a few scratches just get up... And either destroy all evidence that you tried, or think of another way to do it better!

Love... E-bitch!

Sunday, 4 December 2011


Hi Again!

GRADE 11 is done! And I am Finaly 18!!!!!!!!!! Wow, time has just gone by so fast! next year is matric and Im so scared! I want to study psycology but my parents dont realy get it! Ag!!! I understand that if I study BA psycology and dont get my Masters degree I wont be able to do much but what am I suposed to do? I want to help people! I want to know how the human brain works! If only they would listen! But hay! I have organised that the guy from the university comes to talk to us so that we can discuss all the posible solutions or a way to meet in the midle! I guess I'll just have to wait and see...

Lets have some fun!!!
my new Poll is about Schizophrenia.. lets see how Smart you guys are!


Staring at the emptyness of the night
seeing the moon
thinking of you,
longing for your forgiveness

Picturing your broken heart,
knowing I set it alight
feeling the knife in your back
tasting your tears

Are we just lost in time?
I wonder if your love remains
I know I must have killed it
but my love still remains

My actions cant be explained
maybe It was just that time of the mounth
but one thing I know for sure...
my love never died.